Jordan Blaza Olsen, BTTC Strategic Community Advisor

My first foray into the working world was a short summer stint at a film and TV studio as an office clerk.
All I desired back then was to be enveloped in the glamour and glitz of the entertainment industry, with dreams of becoming a star, an aspiration rooted in my background in the drag world. Fast forward to a few months ago, I was appointed as the new Deputy Director at the Transgender Strategy Center. This significant milestone prompted me to reflect on my journey, filled with dreams that often felt too big, countless walls I hit, hurdles I jumped, and boxes I was stuck in.
Only now do I see those challenges as detours that guided me to my current position.
Encountering obstacles is never easy, and it's even more painful when they're thrust upon you by others. Throughout my career, these hurdles took shape as cubicle workspaces, barriers to leadership, and personal setbacks. After facing these roadblocks and getting hurt repeatedly, I eventually gave up. I walked away from my career in public health, my Hollywood aspirations, and my leadership dreams. I vividly remember reading something that said, "Stop trying and just be," words that became my mantra as I entered a period of simply existing. It was during this time that I met and married a wonderful man, only to tragically lose him 13 months later. In my grief, I questioned the purpose of my struggles and setbacks. However, this period of isolation allowed me to view my life from a broader perspective, recognizing the maze I had been navigating without truly understanding its complexity.
Accepting that I was not destined for certain types of greatness was incredibly challenging. I realized that some achievements, like mine, tend to be personal, quieter celebrations rather than viral sensations. My journey taught me the importance of reflecting on why things happen based on facts rather than emotions. It taught me to objectively assess my situations and to differentiate between dreams and actual efforts regardless of the outcomes. Embracing this mindset has been pivotal, and today, I stand proud of my accomplishments, knowing that every detour brought me to where I am now.
No matter what path you’re on, always remember that every step forward, no matter how small or challenging, is a step towards your own unique form of success.